all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 5EA 2 53.435106 -2.907526
L12 5EB 0 53.43865 -2.908384
L12 5EE 0 53.434585 -2.911022
L12 5EF 0 53.434581 -2.91045
L12 5EG 0 53.435569 -2.909357
L12 5EH 2 53.436689 -2.912091
L12 5EJ 0 53.43437 -2.909738
L12 5EL 0 53.434054 -2.909987
L12 5EN 0 53.435719 -2.913259
L12 5EP 0 53.436286 -2.914325
L12 5EQ 3 53.436329 -2.912249
L12 5ER 0 53.434436 -2.911772
L12 5ES 0 53.436747 -2.91164
L12 5ET 0 53.437046 -2.912415
L12 5EU 0 53.436524 -2.909001
L12 5EW 0 53.436027 -2.914033
L12 5EX 0 53.437722 -2.913377
L12 5EY 0 53.437598 -2.910785
L12 5EZ 0 53.437397 -2.911188
L12 5FB 0 53.437995 -2.904727